Leon Bike Associates presents a product for the 21st Century – one designed with the goal of proposing an appropriate lifestyle for the 21st Century by establishing bicycles as part of the wider culture and a slow and natural society.

Bearing such a large aim, Leon Bike Associates also aims to conduct its business operations in a sustainable manner that will become a role model for essential global reform with societal and historical significance.

Leon Bike Associates also begins a process of restoring the tradition of Japanese manufacturing, returning to the days of true “Made In Japan” status in the near future by commencing domestic production.

In an effort to combat aging and depopulation of rural areas, and subsequent loss of small-scale manufacturing, 3 or 4-day work weeks will foster the return of the traditional Japanese “part-time farmer” who uses free time to grow his own food, and sells any surplus.
This will in turn reform the Japanese industrial establishment and reactivate rural economies.
It will also develop food and water self-sufficiency and sustainability.

Company outline→